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Melbourne Launch Goes Ahead...Perth on hold

Clogball was officially launched in Melbourne by Ben de Bruyckere, son of renowned Dutch and Australian representative, Sjel de Bruyckere, at a packed Abel Tasman Club on Sunday 23 July. Plenty of new and old faces were there, and naturally, oranje and red-white-blue abounded.

Huge thanks to all the volunteers at the Abel Tasman Club for making everything go so smoothly on the day. And to the marvellous Ros Walker, for her efforts - I couldn't have done it without you! Finally to Ben, MC Michael Gijsberts (both pictured with me, above) and Richard Mendelsohn, Netherlands Consul for Victoria, for their time and generous words on the day.

Unfortunately the Perth launch of Clogball set for Saturday 5 August at the Morley Windmills clubrooms had to be cancelled on the morning of the event after I tested positive to Covid. If the past few years have taught us anything it's that you can't get angry and rage against Covid - it is what it is, scuttling all sorts of 'best-laid' plans. Yes, it's a pity in one sense, mainly because I was looking forward to catching up with the people in Perth who helped me pull the Western Australian Dutch soccer story together. Ah well...plans are in place to reschedule the event for some time in early 2024, most likely February or March.

And so, now its time to look forward to the Hobart launch. Walter Pless, Tasmania's very own 'Mr. Football,' is launching Clogball there on 17 August at the wonderful Hobart Bookshop ( ) South Hobart Football Club identity, Vickie Morton, is MC for the evening. Looking forward to the home town audience!

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