Had a fantastic few days in Adelaide at the close of October / start of November. I finally made it to the intimate surrounds of Hindmarsh Stadium for a game (Adelaide United were impressive, thrashing Melbourne City), caught up with several Dutchies who featured in Clogball, paid a visit to the new facilities of the oranje-flavoured Sturt Lions, and gave a presentation on Clogball to the Adelaide chapter of the Australian Society of Sports History (ASSH). A terrific night at the West Adelaide Football Club, with more than 40 people attending, including Frank Weits, the Dutch Consul in South Australia, and several other Dutchies. Many thanks to Bernard Whimpress of the ASSH for inviting me over and John Vander Veeken for looking after me around Adelaide.

Me with the Slager boys, Andy, Wil and Robbie at the ASSH presentation in Adelaide. Wil's story features in the pages of Clogball, including his induction into the Croatian Soccer Association of Australia's Hall of Fame.
The Adelaide trip brought to a close six months of talks, presentations, launches and interviews across Australia, including a couple of events in Melbourne and Sydney and others in Canberra, Hobart and Adelaide. None of it a drain, though getting Covid in Perth wasn't what I wanted, of course. Ah well, never mind - I'll get back there in 2024.
The roadshow's been a true joy, allowing me to catch up with so many of the people who shared their time and story with me, while meeting plenty of new faces. It's been so much fun revealing the depth of the Dutch engagement with football in this country. Thanks everyone who's turned up and who's supported the publication in one form or another.
More Clogball journeys are in train for 2024. Besides Perth, I'm aiming to get to Brisbane in the first half of the year, and the Dutch Festival in Melbourne on Koningsdag at the end of April. A trip to the Netherlands is also in the offing. Another top year beckons. Hup!
